Monday, November 14, 2016

Low Cellular Thyroid Levels as a Cause of Hypothyroidism

Most people are probably familiar with the classic symptoms of low thyroid hormone such as fatigue, cold intolerance, cold extremities, and weight gain or difficulty losing weight. There are, however, a myriad of other symptoms, mainly because thyroid hormone affects the metabolism of every single organ system in the body. So, symptoms of low thyroid can include depression, brain fog, panic attacks, muscle and joint aches, muscle cramping, irregular periods, PMS, dry and brittle hair, diffuse hair loss, low body temperature, constipation, irritability, weakness, sluggishness, lack of libido, slow heart rate and high cholesterol. Often people experience many of these symptoms but are told their thyroid labs are normal. This usually means a TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) level has been checked and maybe a free T4 and/or free T3 level have been checked.

To continue this discussion, it is necessary for the reader to understand some terms and definitions, as well as some basic physiology. Under normal conditions (at least in theory) the pituitary gland sends TSH to the thyroid gland as a message to make thyroid hormone. The thyroid mainly makes thyroxin which is abbreviated T4 for the number of iodine atoms attached to the molecule. T4 then circulates in the bloodstream and is available for uptake into the cells of all the different organ systems via receptors on the cells. Once inside the cells T4 is converted to triiodothyronine, abbreviated T3, again for the number of iodine atoms attached to the molecule (plus it’s just easier to say and spell).  This is important because T3 is much more powerful than T4 and is a major player in terms of how much energy the cell has, how well it metabolizes and how well it does its job. (The thyroid gland also makes some T3.) The pituitary gland receives feedback about how much thyroid hormone is in the bloodstream so it can adjust the amount of TSH it is sending out and therefore regulate the amount of circulating thyroid hormone.  This is why doctors look at the TSH level—it should be high if there is too little thyroid hormone and it should be low if there is too much thyroid hormone.

The problem with this is, under many conditions, including obesity, weight gain, diabetes, insulin/leptin resistance, depression, illness, autoimmune disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, chronic pain, opioid use, physical or emotional stress, dieting, excessive exercise, menopause, heart disease, injury, chronic infection, cancer or iron deficiency, the TSH level has been shown to be a very poor marker for hypothyroidism and does not reflect the often severe levels of hypothyroidism present inside the cells.  Likewise, measuring levels of T4 and T3 in the bloodstream does not give us any information about what is taking place inside the cells.  It has been demonstrated that even small decreases in serum T3 levels reflect a severe intracellular deficit.  When serum T3 levels decrease by 30% they may still be within the normal range, but T3 levels in peripheral tissues may be decreased by 70-80% resulting in severe tissue hypothyroidism with normal lab values. This is bad news because I challenge you to find a single adult human who does not have at least one of those conditions, even if it is only dieting or weight gain. Even the range of normal lab values has been challenged as this normal range is based on the general population, and it is estimated that much of the general population has undiagnosed hypothyroidism.

The reasons behind this discrepancy between what is happening inside cells and what the pituitary is doing are complex and varied.  Here are some of them: under the conditions listed above there is less uptake of T4 and T3 into the cells (less thyroid hormone gets taken into the cells), there is less conversion of T4 to T3 and, most importantly, there is increased conversion of T4 to reverse T3, abbreviated rT3. Reverse T3 occupies the same receptors that T3 would, but is metabolically inactive.  This means the rT3 uses T4 as a substrate, blocks the entry of T4 and T3 into the cell and blocks the action of T3 inside the cell. 

All the conversions of T4 to T3 or rT3 are under the control of a group of enzymes called deiodinases (D1, D2 and D3 for short).  In addition to the reactions to stress listed above, the pituitary behaves completely differently in its reaction to stress. The pituitary continues to take up T4 and T3, continues to convert T4 to T3 and does not convert any T4 to rT3.  Therefore, the pituitary never “sees” the lack of T3 and continues to release TSH as if everything were normal.

This condition has been called Wilson’s thyroid syndrome or Wilson’s temperature syndrome after one of the first physicians to recognize and describe it, Dr. Denis Wilson.  We could also call it a T4/T3 transport problem and/or a T4 to T3 conversion problem or intracellular hypothyroidism or low cellular thyroid levels. This syndrome is more common in women for several reasons.  Women have more prolonged, sustained elevations of stress hormones under conditions of stress, which drives the changes listed above.  Also, women have lower levels of D1 (the T4 to T3 enzyme) to begin with.

What this means to physicians is they must listen to the patient.  When the patient has some or all the symptoms of hypothyroidism, other signs and labs should be checked.  It is important to check TSH, free T4, free T3 and reverse T3; but also, the antibodies associated with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis to rule out an autoimmune cause of hypothyroidism.  The free T3 to reverse T3 ratio will be very low when intracellular hypothyroidism is present.  Sex hormone binding globulin (abbreviated SHBG) is often low.  Another cardinal sign is low body temperature—any temperature below 98.6° F is a sign of abnormally low metabolism.  A person with normal metabolism will have a normal temperature, period.  The basal metabolic rate can also be checked, which will be low in the presence of intracellular hypothyroidism.  Tendon reflexes should be checked as in certain locations there will often be a delayed relaxation phase in the presence of intracellular hypothyroidism.

It should be obvious that if this syndrome is present, replacement of deficient thyroid hormone with a T4 preparation will not be sufficient. (Remember there is a problem with converting T4 to the more powerful, more active, more useful T3.)  A T3 or combination T4/T3 preparation will be needed to successfully replace thyroid hormone.  There is a well-studied, well-documented protocol using sustained release T3 that can correct this syndrome, called, of course, Wilson’s T3 Protocol after its developer, Dr. Denis Wilson. Why and how this works is the subject of another essay.